Author: Sarah Lyons
Valentine’s Day is traditionally a time for couples to express their love for one another, but it is a great chance to show your children how much you love them, too. While children typically exchange cards and small gifts on Valentine’s Day, this year try starting some fun new traditions for your family. 1. Dessert FirstJust once a year it can’t hurt to have your sweets before your meal. Offer cake or ice cream and let the kids enjoy their dessert without having to eat their veggies first.2. Make it Heart-ShapedAfter your dessert-first dinner, serve up some fun Valentine’s Day-themed meals.…
Giving kids the responsibility of staying home alone can be a positive, confidence-building experience—a rite of passage. Every parent will reach the point where they are faced with the decision of whether their child is ready. But how do you know if they are? Children must have the skills and maturity to handle being on their own safely.There is no magical age that determines if a child is ready to be home alone, but kids who are show the following signs:Not fearful of being alone in the home.Exhibits good decision-making.Shows that they are aware of others and their surroundings.Proves themself to be responsible and trustworthy.Knows their home address and phone…
The snow begins to fall, the roads become slippery, it’s freezing outside, and school is canceled. While the first snow day is fun and relaxing, there are those long stretches of no school where everyone starts to go a bit stir crazy. Try these 101 ideas to beat snow day boredom: Bake cookies (or brownies or cake). Drink hot cocoa; bonus points for making it homemade. Play outside in the snow. Build a fort. Have a movie marathon with popcorn and candy. Get out the LEGOs and blocks and build. Play with Play-Doh (if you don’t have any store-bought, there…
‘Tis the season for shopping for presents, cooking fancy meals, decorating our homes for the holidays, and celebrating with friends and family. The holidays are a fun and exciting time, but all of that fun can start to stretch the pocketbook. No matter your budget, families can still enjoy meaningful holiday traditions:1. Make Cookies for Santa (and for Others)Bake some special cookies for Santa, but set aside a few dozen for local firefighters or police officers and deliver them with your kids.2. Have a Holiday Movie MarathonWatch your favorite holiday movies as a family while enjoying some popcorn, hot cocoa,…
School mornings are busy, but an experienced mom knows the real rush is after school, when the evening is packed with extracurricular activities. One child has scouts, another has piano lessons, and two have soccer practice on the opposite sides of town. As a mom of six, I have survived busy weeks full of extracurricular activities and a calendar that can only be described as complicated. Whether you have two or 10 kids, here are some tips from a mom with a busy family: Limit Activities The best way to keep your calendar from getting too full is not to fill it. Try cutting back on…
If you have school-age children, you are most likely dealing with an ever-growing stack of school papers and artwork. Some of the papers may go straight to the recycle bin, but what do you do with the important papers and special artwork you would like to keep? Start by SortingBefore you can start organizing your child’s paperwork and art projects, you need to decide what to discard and what to keep. Set aside papers that show your child’s writing skills and artwork that you feel is unique to their personality. Discard worksheets or daily papers. Make another stack of papers that…
After your baby is born, you will visit the pediatrician often. In the first year, your baby will have seven well visits. In fact, studies show that first-time parents may visit their child’s pediatrician up to 16 times before the baby’s first birthday. Your child’s doctor plays an important role in their life, and therefore, you will need to find one that is a good fit for the parents and the child. It can be challenging to find a pediatrician who is right for your family. Here are some tips to get you started on your search: Start with Recommendations…
Adjusting to having a new baby in the house can be difficult for the whole family. Sleepless nights and a change in routine can leave mom feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Offering support to a family with a new baby can help them adjust to their new normal. But often, when you ask, mom can’t think of the exact way she needs help. Here are some ideas: 1. Stop by the Store Going to the store with newborns and possibly older children for the first time can be a daunting task. Offer to pick up a few things the family needs.…
Sunshine, blue sky, warm sand between your toes, and the calming sound of ocean waves hitting the shore. Doesn’t it sound wonderful and relaxing? Add a toddler or preschooler to the picture, and it may not sound quite as relaxing, but a beach vacation with young children can still be wonderful with some patience and a little bit of planning. Choose the Right Location for Your Family When picking a spot to set up for a day at the beach, choose wisely. Make sure that the area is family-friendly. It is also wise to make sure there are public restrooms…
The day your child was born is a day to celebrate and make them feel special. Birthday parties are fun, but they can be a lot of work and the costs can quickly add up. If you decide to skip the birthday party, it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate big. Here are some ideas to make sure your child’s birthday is special: Create Anticipation As the birthday approaches, build anticipation by talking about it and planning what the day will hold. You can create a special countdown by making a paper chain and tearing off one chain per day, or…