Author: Katy M. Clark

It’s pumpkin time! How can you make sure you pick the perfect pumpkin and transform it into a boo-tiful jack-o-lantern? Check out these handy tips with everything you need to know to create your family’s best-ever pumpkin: Picky, Picky The best selection in your local pumpkin patch will probably be available in early October. Of course, selecting your gourd at the grocery store is convenient any time. My kids have found some of their biggest, best pumpkins at the local store. No matter where you go, look for smooth pumpkins with no soft spots that indicate rot. It is also…

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My teenage son has come down with a curious affliction. His symptoms include increased indifference and frequent use of the snooze feature on his phone’s alarm clock. I believe he is suffering from senioritis, a common condition that strikes most 17-and 18-year-olds in the waning days of their senior year. I bet my son, like so many seniors, wonders what these last few weeks and months matter anyway. However, senioritis can have real consequences for teens. They might see their grades plummet, which could affect merit aid or even an offer for admission at colleges that require a final transcript.…

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It glistened in the soft morning light, the single tear that fell from my 8-year-old daughter’s eye as she stood in our bedroom doorway. “Mommy, she didn’t come!” she breathed despondently. Then that single tear turned into a torrent. Oh, fudge. The Tooth Fairy didn’t come last night. “Uh,” I stammered in reply, elbowing my husband awake. “What happened?” he mumbled. “The Tooth Fairy didn’t come last night,” I replied. “Oh, fudge,” he said. Only he didn’t say fudge. How did we let this happen? Quickly, I reviewed the night before. Exhausted by my first girls’ night out in three…

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Fall is the perfect time of year to get outside. And what better way to experience all the season has to offer than by taking a walk? Walking is fun and easy, plus it provides a boost to your physical and mental health. Going on a walk with your kids lets them notice new things and meet new people along the way. Here are eight fall theme walks that you and your children can take around your neighborhood: 1. SENSORY WALK On this walk, have your child focus on their senses. Ask your child what colors they see. Touch the…

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Your child’s next birthday is fast approaching and you’re wondering where to hold the party. Perhaps the thought of having it at home makes you break out in a cold sweat. Maybe it is simply not an option. As the mother of two kids, now a teen and tween, I’ve spent over a decade attending or hosting birthday parties at over two dozen spots. There truly is a place for everyone and every budget. So, check out this list of 25 locations for your child’s next birthday party and get ready to celebrate! Take your group to a local sporting…

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