Author: Steve Guglielmo

Score the best gifts for your kids and toddlers at the lowest prices with Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2024. Welcome to the Family Times CNY ultimate guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for toddlers and children! After Thanksgiving the eyes of parents and caregivers around the globe turn to Christmas and Hannukah, as the Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the Monday after Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday have become the unofficial kickoff to the Holiday Gift-Giving Season. The December Issue of Family Times CNY will feature our annual Central New York Local Gift-Giving guide but for those Parents,…

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The Herkimer Diamond Mines/KOA Resorts, about an hour from Syracuse, are a fun, family-friendly adventure. Herkimer, New York, is the only place in the world where the aptly named “Herkimer Diamonds” can be found. Though I’ve spent my whole life in Central New York, I had no idea what differentiated a “Herkimer Diamond” from the type of diamond you can find at a jeweler. According to the Herkimer Diamond Mines Website (, “Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful, double-terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer, New York. Incredibly, these phenomenal gemstones are close to five hundred million years old. The crystals are magnificent…

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