Author: Laura Livingston Snyder
Laura Livingston Snyder is a writer and mother of four who lives north of Syracuse. She blogs at
How do you celebrate a kid’s birthday? Whether you are an old-time minimalist like myself, or someone who goes all out, we all want a memorable get-together. Here are tried-and-true ideas and suggestions from my own “kitchen cabinet” of experts to help make your child’s special day fun for everyone. First, you’ve got to plan. Here are some things to think about: Who’s coming? This can get tricky with school-aged children. Some have directories of classmates’ contact information, for those who choose to discreetly have only a few friends over. The daughter of my colleague Perrine is in an elementary…
Spring may be just around the corner, but it will still be a while before we’ll be able to get outside and work the ground. However, getting ready for a summer garden is an activity that can be started now. Let the kids get dirty with an indoor garden! Learning to care for what they’ve germinated teaches responsibility, patience and accomplishment. It’s also a lesson in how seeds grow and change into plants that can supply their family with food. Why inside? The benefits of starting seedlings at home go beyond a school lesson of a bean in a Styrofoam…
Right about now you and your kids are probably a bit sick of winter. (I know I am.) What if your son wants to wear his favorite tank top? I’ve got the perfect occasion: a picnic. Yes, a picnic! Indoors, of course. Why not give this a try? Here’s how. Invite friends and family. Announce this party the old-fashioned way by sending colorful invitations a week or so in advance. If luau-themed ones aren’t available, choose stock with lush greens, sunny yellows or Caribbean blues. Create the illusion of warmth with tropical stickers, available in craft stores. Have the kids…
When I think about the perfect holiday, it’s casual and involves fuzzy socks and pajamas, not pantyhose and Spanx. If you’re like me, then an important part of enjoying your season is figuring out how to maximize your fun and minimize your hassle. So consider these ideas for keeping your spirits high and your sanity intact throughout the month of December. Plan ahead. Talk to family members and figure out what’s happening, where it’s happening and who’s doing what. Who will host which day? Will there be overnight guests? Organize menus and assign dishes. A potluck prevents one person from…
When children enter kindergarten, moms and dads must relinquish control to strangers, sometimes for the first time. And the people and atmosphere of school helps create brand-new versions of our children. For at least 13 more years they’ll be called students, and the expectations are different from when we parents were in their shoes. Here are some ideas for helping kids have a good kindergarten experience. School Gets Real This starts with a parent’s realization that her baby is actually starting school. Whether the milestone is anticipated or dreaded, the stress parents feel trickles down to their child. Without adequate…
My daughter Allison has had type 1 diabetes since she was diagnosed at age 11. That’s five years of finger pricks for blood-sugar testing and insulin injections, or some 9,125 pricks and 10,950 injections. But advances in insulin pump technology has helped reduce wear or tear on a diabetic’s body from all of the pricks and injections. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults when their bodies no longer produce insulin. Insulin enables glucose from food to be used by the body’s cells as fuel. Without insulin, the body would starve. Once diagnosed, Type 1 diabetics…
Your commitments are piling up. You have no time to relax. A rejuvenating spa visit seems impossible. And expensive. Yet when stress is not controlled, it can weaken our immune system. This can lead to everything from weight gain and disrupted sleep patterns to heart and digestive problems. An hour for a relaxing bath and hydrating exfoliating session can help relieve stress. Create this serenity at home for only a few dollars with a trip to either the grocery or health food store. And this spa is personalized. Make your scrub Your body scrub should consist of an exfoliant, a…
Decades ago, fashions like dyed hair, Mohawks and body glitter were temporary ways for teens to express their individuality. Today, tattoos are trendy, as are piercings such as on the nose, above the corner of the mouth, and the lip. There are also plugs and tunnels—jewelry worn in piercings (usually in the ear) to stretch the piercing and accommodate larger pieces. (Most teens call the jewelry and piercings “gauges,” although tattooists dislike the term.) All of these modifications are, to some degree, lasting. Such forms of body modification identify our kids: They’re Generation Z. And, as Will Smith once sang,…
Autumn might mean cider, changing foliage and heavy sweaters, but it’s also the time of year to think about spring flowers. Yes, spring flowers! That’s because this is the season for buying and planting bulbs. Looking for a family activity that doesn’t involve pumpkins or costumes? This will get the kids playing in dirt while laying the groundwork for a beautiful yard once winter is over. With some simple guidelines, everyone can be an autumn gardener. Location Will these flowers be in a landscaped bed, along a short walkway, or are they for an apartment deck? Some flower choices fit…
It’s February in Syracuse. What to do? Turn your house into a gym, with circuit training, calisthenics and games. Children of all ages can stay fit in their homes—even those with limited space—when the weather is bad. Most of the activities here have spurts of intense effort balanced with rest time (like Tag). This allows for longer play and gets in a great aerobic workout. Kids need activity. Their bodies are made to move and play. Using large motor skills increases their concentration and alertness. It keeps bones and muscles strong, decreases health risks like diabetes, and helps reduce depression…