Treat Yourself: Mark your calendar for Disney’s “The Lion King”—and the other Broadway shows coming to Syracuse in 2025November 26, 2024
Reaching a Milestone: Now the largest chapter in the country, Special Olympics New York is celebrating 50 yearsMarch 30, 2020
Together Times History and More: Get a little of everything on a daytrip to AuburnBy Eileen GilliganJuly 1, 20200 How much do you know about Auburn? The city, which calls itself “History’s Hometown,” sits around 40 minutes’ drive from…
Activities Lots to Discover at Kids Expo 2019By Reid SullivanMarch 28, 20190 Kids Expo 2019 will be filled with sights, sounds and experiences for kids and parents. The event, presented by Family…
CNY Community 315 BulletinBy Reid SullivanFebruary 28, 20190 Scouts BSA Adds Troops for Girls The Boy Scouts of America last month added opportunities for girls ages 11 to…
Activities Busting Out: Avoid cabin fever with Central NY excursionsBy Christy Perry TuoheyFebruary 1, 20190 During Central New York winters, parents seem to know exactly when to head for a place where their children can…
Crafts & DIY Family Genealogy: How kids can interview family members about their livesBy Christy Perry TuoheyOctober 25, 20180 At this time of year, we’re approaching some of the biggest family-time holidays on the calendar. A Thanksgiving gathering can…
First Person Will Work for Food: How I got my kids to help make dinnerBy Laura Livingston SnyderSeptember 28, 20180 Not long ago, I gathered our children around for a family meeting to announce their newest chore: helping make dinner.
Holidays An Escape to Remember: Parents deserve an adults-only vacationBy Neil DavisJuly 1, 20180 The mac n’ cheese will be done in six minutes. You have to leave the house in 12 if you…
Health Making the Right Change: Elders and their families have options for the next phase of lifeBy Laura Livingston SnyderJuly 10, 20170 Many adults have become the ultimate caregivers. They are members of what is known as the “sandwich generation,” raising young…
Together Times A Picnic Party: Turn up the heat and invite the whole gangBy Laura Livingston SnyderFebruary 1, 20170 Right about now you and your kids are probably a bit sick of winter. (I know I am.) What if…
Together Times Get Real Maybe it’s time to put down the camera (or phone)By Neil DavisFebruary 1, 20170 Picture this: Your child earns a new Scout badge, lands a triple Lutz or nails that tough violin solo—but you…